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Companies Offering Payday Loans to Their Employees

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Some companies around the world offer payday loans to their employees. It is particularly meant for those employees who feel financially strapped. This follows complaints that many of their workers often face problems in paying off their bills every month, particularly during the last few days of the month.

These companies state that they remain committed to helping their “valuable associates” in whatever way they could. The facility is available only to the low-income employees of the company. They can thus get the money when they need it at competitive rates to buy food, gasoline, and pay for child care, rent and urgent medical bills.

If you are looking for a payday loan we might help. We have partnered with the best and registered lenders in US. Result is that you get the better rate possible loan available today. Its fast, processed in a few hours and its fully automated.

Please Apply For Your Payday Loan Here. We are sure you will be happy with the experience:

Get Approved Instantly. No Fax Required. Bad Credit OK. Low Fees. 100% US Registered Lender. It is a more variable product, providing consumers with short or long term loans, offering varying loan amounts starting from $100. It can be repaid on a monthly or bimonthly basis over time.

Apply with confidence. Your information will be secured. It will only be used to offer you a loan. Thank You For Your Loan Application.

Payday Lending to the Rescue

This is yet another example of how a payday loan scheme is coming to the rescue of workers, who often don’t have the money to pay for their urgent requirements at the end of the month. Sadly, there are millions of such people in the United States now. Often, banks and other conventional lenders won’t give them the money they need because of their low pay or less than perfect job record. This is the reason some companies have come forward to their rescue within the company, but there are other payday lenders who are helping such individuals outside this retail chain - like us 🙂 . Their impact is far-reaching as these businesses are able to reach out to millions of more people.

These Scheme Are Profitable Too

Companies say that it wants to protect their employees and provide them the finances, but the scheme is likely to be profitable for the company as well. Fact is there is a ready base of more than a million customers who can take these short-term loans. According to their own estimates, some companies could make more than $10 billion every year by loaning cash to their own employees. That’s of course not a small amount of money.

Some employees are however against this scheme as they feel that it will make them indebted to their own employers. They are saying that nobody is forcing the employees to take the short-term loan. It’s just an option given to those who need the cash at the end of the month.

Perhaps the better option for those who don’t want to take the cash from their own employers is to find independent payday companies. Here is where we can help.

A lot has been said in recent times about the so-called predatory practices of payday lending companies. However, what has often been ignored is the positive impact of payday lending on many communities in America. For instance, studies carried out in recent times have revealed that consumers have actually fared worse since some states took the extreme step of banning paycheck advances.

The Pitfalls of Preventing Payday Lending

What happens when you deny short term loans to those who need the money at the end of the month? Most of them don’t have anywhere to turn to. They turn to illegal sources of funding and end up paying an even higher interest rate. For example loan sharks. And of course, a high percentage of people who take these loans end up with long-term debt. Many of them have to declare bankruptcy too, as there is no other option.

That’s not all. Studies have also revealed that after financial disasters, people who can get a payday loan report a competitive rate of substance abuse treatment and going into depression, than the communities where such loans are not available.

But even with all this data coming through, you will still find some policymakers and legislators who are reacting aggressively to payday lending. What they should rather do is address the root causes of long-term debt and endemic poverty in America. Thankfully, some of these policy and decision makers are realizing the truth now, and so, the fight against passing excessive payday lending regulations has begun. Some of these legislators have already stated that they don’t want more regulations to be implemented against payday lending.

Are There Any Payday Lending Alternatives?

Those against payday lending often point out that there are better financial alternatives than these short-term loans. With this belief, they advice people not to approach these small cash loan companies.

However, if such alternatives are available so readily, as pointed out by these critics, then why are millions of Americans approaching payday lenders for cash advances even now to pay off their unexpected bills and for their emergency fund requirements? It simply doesn’t add up. Clearly, the problem is not payday lending. It is somewhere else.

Is the CFPB Research Poor?

It has sometimes been said that the Consumer Federal Protection Bureau or the CFPB is conclusion rich, but research poor. For instance, the Obama administration wants to bring in new regulations for the short-term credit business, however the bureau is not up to date with their research to find out how these loans are affecting the financial welfare of borrowers. Obviously, the agency cannot know the reality. CFPB claims that they are data-driven. But they need to have essential information to know what helps consumers and what doesn’t.

Fact Contradicts What Many Critics Are Saying

The fact is that, many so-called experts and critics are far removed from what the reality actually is. Last summer, for instance, the Consumer Federal Protection Bureau released their own analysis of complaints received from consumers directly. This analysis revealed that of all the complaints received, less than 1% was from people who took payday loans. Most of the complaints they got were related to credit cards, debt collection and mortgage issues. Together, they made up a staggering 2/3rd.

There have been other such studies too that have arrived at much the same conclusion. So, clearly, the problem is not payday loans. It is elsewhere.

That said some companies have done the right thing by offering a way out to their employees. It is time more companies come forward to help individuals in real needs. Also, it is time we understand and learn to appreciate the valuable work the payday lenders are doing for people who cannot get cash for emergencies from any other source.

Thank you for visiting our website. Hope we helped you get a loan.
42 comments… add one
  • Durand Davidson

    I am looking to build my credit.

    • loans

      Durand I think for that you need to make your loan payments on time. Be sure to do that. I mean whatever loan from whatever source. Thanks.

  • Durand Davidson

    Just moved in home and trying to get situated.

    • loans

      Durand I can understand, but our loans have limitations. If $1000 can help please do apply with us our lenders will help.

  • Danielle Goad

    I need the help and would appreciate it.

    • loans

      Sure Danielle please apply for your loan and more than 100 lenders in our network will surly try to help you. Thanks.

  • April

    I am trying too get a loan too get food for my kids and it says I can’t because I live in Georgia please help me

    • loans

      Please understand we work with registered lenders only. So they adhere to good practices and work according to law. That is why our rates are low and we treat our customers very well. Their welfare comes first our business is secondary. Hope you understand.

  • L.J

    Trying to get a loan to fix my car and get to work on time

  • Kim

    In a word, wow! I can’t believe the funds are in my account already. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You made what is usually a long, drawn out and intimidating chore into a very pleasant and streamlined experience. I can’t thank you for your Loans enough. You have a terrific system, and Thank You for the wonderful service. You are quite awesome! I would do business with you again and would recommend you to anyone.

    Kim, TX

    • loans

      Thanks Kim we are glad that you enjoyed the process. Sure if you need another loan please do apply with us. 🙂

  • Okay I’m an employee am I’m trying to get a loan but I don’t have an bank account… An I need the loan for court cost please help.

    • loans

      Kevanna strange that you do not have a bank account. If you are above 18 please open a bank account as soon as possible as it helps in saving money a lot. And there is a lot to do with a secured bank account. Like investing in mutual funds in a automatic process etc. I am afraid if you do not have a bank account our lenders may not approve you for a loan. We are Sorry but we cannot go against the laws. We strictly adhere to lending laws of the state. Hope you understand.

  • earl woods

    Need help to pay bills

  • T

    How soon do we start paying loans back? Will it be in full or broken down?

    • loans

      You start paying back from your next payday. It can be any date. It will be in installments yes as you said broken down. Please apply so that we can approve as soon as possible.

  • Vicki Wills

    Need to save my house from tax lean

    • loans

      Vicki in most cases such loans are approved. But please tell your situation to your lender. Thanks.

  • Rosa

    If your approved for the loan, how’s it repaid. Is the money taken out of your pay check or do you make payments?

    • loans

      Rosa in almost all cases the lenders will make the payments automated for a hassle free transactions. So please do not worry about paying back if you are approved. All our lenders follow very strict guidelines as per the lending laws of the state. So the loan rates will be low and lenders will not call you if you pay back on time. Of course if you have issues paying back some installments then please tell your lender at least 3 days before due date. They will defer the payments with a small fee. Please note that the lender who approves your payment will give his or her phone number so that you can contact them anytime for any troubles or problems if you want. Now please apply to get a loan as soon as possible.

  • Billie Whetstone

    To Whom It May Concern:

    I need to get a loan to get our house payments caught up.

  • Adrian

    I have direct deposit with provided checks and routing number. With my debit card. I can’t get a payday loan with this account. What do I need. I need cash now. ?? Meta bank ???

  • Tmxinzie

    So we can’t get the loan if we live in ga. Great I’m gonna lose the only place i have to stay just in time to freeze to death

    • Tmxinzie we are law abiding lenders and we cannot go against the laws, hope you understand. We are sorry but we are very responsible law abiding lenders. Thanks.

  • Sigrid

    I just applied for a small payday loan at this site, just to get turned down, with no explanation! Just the answer: we can not match you to any of our lenders!

    • Sigrid please understand that there are certain requirements, terms and conditions that an applicant must adhere to before our lenders can approve you for a loan. Some meet the conditions and get approved, some do not and get disapproved. Please do not get disappointed. We recommended try again and please give all documents as asked by our lenders, if they find it fine they will approve your loan. Best.

  • nicholas

    I have a school fee of almost 7,000 to pay, im just want a little more info about if you can help? and how?, i have a job, i barely make over 650.00 every two weeks. help me please

    • Nicholas why you let the school fee reach levels of 7000? Please give priority to your kids education than any other luxuries of life. Our payday loan is limited to max 1000. But you can try installment loans then we can think of giving you more, though I doubt our lenders will approve an amount that high. Make sure you give our lenders valid documents as proof for your job and other identities. This is to adhere to laws of the state. We respect our laws and will not do anything against it.

  • Trina e

    Do you give loans in all states?

  • annie

    Hi just wanting to know can u have a long term paying your loan off

  • Tammy

    I just moved and trying to get caught up on bills. If u just started with company how long do u have to wait to apply. Had to close my bank account because it’s not in the state of Al, can I use my pay card instead.

    • Tammy you must be getting paid for six months at least. Company change does not matter. Pay card not quite sure as our lenders will need your bank details to give a loan and to revive payments.

  • Alexis

    We are in the process of getting approved for a loan for a new home but we don’t have the funds for the contract fee if we apply for a loans of 1000 will it affect us from getting our home loan since it hasn’t been approved yet

    • Alexis in that case I suggest somehow manage 1000 from friends or relatives. Once your home loan is approved, immediately apply for your payday loan with us. We will help for sure. Thanks.

  • Lj

    Is there a certain amount you have to payback every month